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Word Origin & History

noise early 13c. "loud outcry, clamor, shouting," from O.Fr. noise "uproar, brawl" (in modern Fr. only in phrase chercher noise "to pick a quarrel"), apparently from L. nausea "disgust, annoyance, discomfort," lit. "seasickness" (see nausea). Another theory traces the O.Fr. word to L. noxia "hurting, injury, damage." OED considers that "the sense of the word is against both suggestions," but nausea could have developed a sense in V.L. of "unpleasant situation, noise, quarrel" (cf. O.Prov. nauza "noise, quarrel"). Replaced native gedyn (see din).

Example Sentences for noise

But, really, the noise of that screw makes it difficult to hear distinctly.

There was the noise among the people outside, the groaning, the cries!

This lightning was silent; the noise of the thunder did not reach Geneva.

Because the doctor and the nurse Had said that noise would make her worse.

She started up at the noise. and stood like one turned to stone.

With noise increas'd,840 They shoulder'd on towards that brightening cast.

By degrees the noise grew louder; then it sounded almost like footsteps.

The noise and confusion of Sunday and all ordinary days were silenced.

She forgot that a gentleman should make no noise and that a lady is serene; forgot utterly.

On listening, he was certain that the noise was unlike that made by rats.